تشخیص: مخالفت

Diagnosis: Dissent
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دانلود فیلم تشخیص: مخالفت 2024 Diagnosis: Dissent
فیلم 2024

"دانلود فیلم تشخیص: مخالفت 2024 Diagnosis: Dissent"

آندری دولژنکو نافرمانی خود را از نظام شوروی نشان می‌دهد، اما این نظام تلاش می‌کند با استفاده از روش‌های ممنوعه روان‌پزشکی تنبیهی او را درهم بشکند. آیا این نظام موفق به شکست او خواهد شد؟
The protagonist Andrii Dovzhenko finds out a horrible truth, that has been hidden in USSR for years - most of those accused of «anti-Soviet propaganda» were never sent to prison, but to special psychiatric hospitals with a diagnosis of "slow progressive schizophrenia". Andrii finds himself in a real hell of punitive psychiatry and faces a difficult choice - to cooperate with the KGB and return to his family, or to reveal the truth about dissidents tortured in such psychiatric hospitals. The script was based on the memoirs of Soviet dissidents who faced the brutality of a totalitarian system that used so-called "punitive psychiatry" as a weapon against free thought.

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